Tom Cruise Throws Wreaths With Fallon Then Links Up With Katie and Suri
- Is a custody war brewing for Marc and Jennifer? Us Weekly
- Hilary Duff takes care of her under-the-weather dog People
- Ryan Reynolds's family loves Blake Lively Lainey Gossip
- Details on Jessica Biel's new mothering role Huffington Post
- The year in Beyonc's pregnancy style! The Daily Beast
- From Oprah to Susan Lucci on TV 10 things we said bye to in 2011! TooFab
- Everybody loves Dragon Tattoo! Rotten Tomatoes
- The latest honor bestowed on the Twilight series Hollywood Reporter
- How Angelina Jolie's made the world a better place Wonderwall
- One piece of really good news for Kris Humphries Lifeline Live
- Why was Taylor Swift's ad banned in the UK? Zap2It
- Is an engagement brewing for Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell? Celebitchy