Julianne Hough Shows Skin, Chats Tom Cruise and Ryan Seacrest in Interview
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Posted on May 31, 2012 10:05AM by Lauren Turner
Julianna Hough channeled her dancing roots for a spread in Interview's June/July issue. She's gearing up for the release of Rock of Ages see new pictures from Rock of Ages before it hits theaters next month! We talked with Julianne about getting bikini-ready for the film during a visit to the set, and in her latest chat with Interview she opened up about working with Tom Cruise and what boyfriend Ryan Seacrest thinks of her racy big-screen role. Here's more from Julianne Hough in Interview:
- On working with Tom Cruise: "I think my generation will always look at him as Tom Cruise, the movie star. But the thing about Tom is that he's super-cool, and whatever nerves I had going into a scene with him, afterwards he would say how funny it was or what a great job I did. So that really made me feel confident."
- On boyfriend Ryan Seacrest getting jealous of her scenes: "He was like, 'Wow, this is a little sexy!' There was one scene we did that ended up not m! aking it into the film. It was in the strip club, and I gave Tom a lap dance in the scene. The movie flowed better without it, so I understand why it got edited out, but at the same time, I'm like, 'Wait a minute. I got to do that, and it's not even in the movie?'"
- On her career: "My biggest fear is that people think, 'Oh, just because she was on Dancing with the Stars, she thinks she can act now.' But I've been acting my whole life, which people don't realize. I just haven't had the opportunities that I've had with my dancing."