Tom Cruise's Former Mentor Explains What Katie Should And Should Not Fear
Katie Holmes has claimed that the Church of Scientology is watching her and even hired a new team of bodyguards.
But Tom Cruise's former Scientology counselor Marty Rathbun, who left the church several years ago, says she shouldn't be so scared.
Rathbun dismissed several scare stories in a blog post:
1. The church of Scientology will mostly likely not engage in overt harassment, including surveillance of Katie. David Miscavige will most likely advise Tom Cruise not to engage private investigators to overtly investigate Katie.
2. The church of Scientology and Tom Cruise will most likely not engage in covert operations designed to frame Katies Holmes.
3. The church of Scientology and Tom Cruise would most likely forbid Suri from joining the Sea Organization (the Scientology priesthood with a lifetime commitment, labor camps, and a ship). Not at 6 years old, not at 16 years old, not at 26 years old.
But Katie should be on guard for the following:
a. Tom Cruise and his Scientology handlers attempting to indoctrinate Suri to accept Scientology Inc policies with a slant toward fearing that Katie is a Suppressive Person (roughly equivalent to a sociopath). They can be counted upon to do so at every opportunity so as to alloy Suris affinity for her mother and redirect her loyalties toward Cruise and his best man Miscavige. If you want to understand the complete mechanics that are likely to be employed, they are covered in an in-depth fashion inmy recently released bookWhat Is Wrong With Scientology?
b. Should Katie overtly criticize Tom and Scientology, Tom Cruise and Miscavige can be counted upon to use Toms lines of communication in Hollywood to attempt to covertly visit harm upon future career opportunities for Katie. Given the level of public education over the past several years of Scientologys hateful propaganda campaigns, and given the clear public sentiment in Katies favor, I believe such efforts would miserably backfire on the perpetrators; and likely create the opposite result.
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