WTF? Tom Cruises swimming pool water for sale on eBay!

As you read this somebody somewhere is furiously bidding on eBay for a bottle of swimming pool water from Tom CruiseS swimming pool. This is not a joke.

Welcome readers, to todays most ridiculous celebrity story!

One enterprising eBay seller has bottled up water from a swimming pool in Miami that Tom ONCE swam in back in July last year. The 110ml container is now on the online auction, and the seller suggested it could be used in rituals, potions and perfumes! Actual LOL!

The listing on eBay reads, There is a very limited supply of this special water. The winning bidder will receive a 5x7 print of Tom swimming in the pool with Katie Holmes by his side as a certificate of authenticity.The bottle is hand painted and shows a cross to mimic the effect of a bottle of Holy Water. But this cross also bears four gold rays coming from behind, which can also be considered the symbol of Scientology.Tom Cruise water can be used in rituals, potions, or perfumes. It can be dabbed behind the ears or on the wrists for good luck. You can place some of it around the hearth of your home or baptize your baby with it. The possibilities are endless.Happy bidding!If youre the successful bidder let us know what you use Toms special water for!
